Monday, October 27, 2008

Back from our first adventure...

I have returned from my first media trip outside Moscow. We visited the Republic of Udmurtia and worked with Russian Baptists and a volunteer team from the States. Sarah Beth and my partner's daughter, Rachel accompanied us on this trip and we had a great time bonding with our daughters.

There is much to write about and many pictures to post, but here are a few highlights for you to be looking forward to:
1. Christian lessons from the life of a chicken.
2. "We go to banya."
3. Flaming coffee.
4. RLMs4RLUs

I will try to start writing tomorrow so that I can document things before I start to forget them. In the meantime, here are three photos from Udmurtia to give you a sense of what life there is like.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So where is this place on the map!?